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Cabinet approves Rs 1,258 crore interest-free loan for three fertilizer projects
Aug 02: For reference purposes the website carries here the following tenders:
Contract for supply Erection and Dismantling of Scaffolding Material in Ammonia plant Details
8Clearance Forwarding and Stevedoring Agency Work of Imported Bulk Fertilizers Details
8Corrigendum: Supply of Motors Details
8Supply of Pipes Details
8Carrying out AMC of Piping Jobs in various plants Details
8Corrigendum: Carrying out Load Port Inspection activities Details
You can also click on Tenders for more
For reference purposes the website carries here the following reports:
8Importance of Organic Farming: A Sustainable Approach Details
8Seeding Rate and Nitrogen Application Effects: A Paper Details
8Study on Knowledge, Adoption and Constraints Faced by Farmers about Soil Health Card based Fertilizer Application: An Analysis Details
8Effects of organic fertilizer and mineral on soil chemical properties: A Paper Details
8Effects of N-fertilizer Rate under different irrigation regimes: A Paper Details
8India’s latest urea tender could reset mood headed into fall [American Fertilizer Weekly] Details
8FAI Training Programme on Dynamics of Fertiliser Marketing [September 2018] Details
You can also click on Reports for more

For reference purposes the website carries here the following Newsclips:
8Govt. puts special thrust to boost agriculture sector: Assam CM Details
8UN food agency sounds alarm on 'overlooked crises' Details
8Cabinet approves Rs 1,258 crore interest-free loan for three fertilizer projects Details
8A brand icon for organic farming Details
8Futuristic move: IFFCO inaugurates Nano Fertilizer lab Details
You can also click on Newsclips for more  


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