Aug 17: 8Retailers in the districts like Bastar, Mahasamund, Raipur and Durg of the Chhattisgarh state told this website that was some rainfall in these areas but not enough and that was the reason why the demand for fertilizers was picking up at a slower pace. 8Currently there is more demand for Urea in the state than DAP or other fertilizer products. What is more, small granular urea is preferred by the farmers in the state. 8In Bastar district of Chhattisgarh, the retailers have new DAP stocks from PPL with an MRP of Rs1320/bag and the margin on the same is Rs20/bag. Retailers are also getting a margin of Rs15-20/bag on the DAP with an MRP of Rs1300/bag. 8What is the cause behind this urea scarcity? Is their preference for smaller granules? Click on Details to find out and also to know about margins available and brand preferences in other districts