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Software updates:Rs 400 crore of RFQs coming up
Sep 25: CO2 Compressor in Urea Unit Revamp Project      
8Cost - Rs 138 Crore
8Project Description: A Fertilizer Company is planning to revamp the CO2 Compressor in a Urea Unit at its existing ammonia-urea fertilizer complex in India.
8Project Event: The paperwork is ongoing, RFQ for the LSTK contractor is likely to be released in November 2018
Click here for more information  
Effluent Treatment Plant Up-gradation Project       
8Cost - Rs 101 Crore
8Project Description: A Fertilizer Company is planning to upgrade the Effluent Treatment Plant at its existing ammonia-urea fertilizer complex in India.
8Project Event: The discussion is ongoing and RFQ for the LSTK contractor is likely to be released in December 2018.
Click here for more information


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