Kharif crop cultivation is 0.6% higher than last year
Sep 28: The overall area under cultivation for the season till date is 1057.8 lakh hectares, which is considerably higher than the normal area sown of 1033.4 lakh hectares for this period of the season. 8Total area under cultivation for coarse cereals is 176.2 lakh hectares which are around 4% lower compared with 2017 and is also lower than the normal as of the date of 184.1 lakh hectares. The area sown for pulses is 137.93 lakh hectares, which is a percent lower than the area sown in 2017; however, it remains higher than the normal as of date level (118.80 lakh hectares). Sowing for oilseeds has risen by 3% for the same period. 8The southwest monsoon has been 8% below normal cumulatively this season. The western regions of the country have been receiving deficient monsoon for the most part of the season and the reservoir levels in the region have been 19% lower than the live storage for the corresponding period last year. 8The live storage of the reservoirs in the eastern and central regions is expected to improve as the regions are to receive heavy rainfall in the coming days owing to the monsoon depression in the Bay of Bengal. Click on Report for more