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Software updates: Fertilizer projects
Oct 04: Phosphoric Acid & Sulphuric Acid Greenfield Project      
8Cost - Rs 1800 Crore
8Project Event: The Company is in process of discussions with Phosphoric Acid Process Licensors for the supply of Basic Engineering Package based on which the Company proposes to execute the project on EPC basis. The Company is expected to finalize the Licensor by the end of October 2018. Simultaneously the Company is in final discussion with Rock Phosphate Suppliers for execution of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to ensure availability of rock phosphate on a long-term basis. The company has already achieved NoC from local enviromental authorities for execution.
Click here for more information  
NPK Fertilizer Greenfield Project       
8Cost - Rs 1517 Crore
8Project Event: RFQ for EPC contractor was floated in February 2017 and price bid was opened in Jan 2018, but due to high price bid finalization was delayed. Discussions are currently ongoing between owners and are expected to be finalized in November 2018 for future action.
Click here for more information
Single Super Phosphate Expansion Project     
8Cost - Rs 20 Crore
8Project Event: NIT preparation for EPC contractor is ongoing and it is likely to be released in January 2019.
Click here for more information


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