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Turkmenistan to send fertilizer to India via Iran
Oct 08: For reference purposes the website carries here the following tenders:
Value Based Annual Rate Contract for Mechanical Equipment and Piping Details
8Value Based Rate Contract for Miscellaneous Jobs Details
8Online Leak Sealing of Girth Flange of LP Decomposer in Urea Plant Details
8Corrigendum: Inspection and Rectification of Spring Hangers of High Pressure Lines in all plants Details
8Appointment of Handling and Transportation Contractor At Meghnagar Rake Point Details
8Appointment of Handling and transportation Contractor at Harpalpur Rake Point Details
8Arranging a suitable vessel to carry coking coal from Load port in USA to Paradip port Details
You can also click on Tenders for more
For reference purposes the website carries here the following reports:
8Importance of Protein Phosphatase: A Paper Details
8Agrometeorological Advisory Bulletin [Andhra Pradesh] Details
8Agrometeorological Advisory Bulletin [Telangana] Details
8Agrometeorological Advisory Bulletin [Tamil Nadu] Details
8The use of Financial Technology in the Agriculture Sector: A Review Details
8Domestic Natural Gas [October 2018-March 2019] Details
8Differential effects of Nitrogenous Fertilizers on Methane-Consuming Microbes: A Paper Details
8Synthesis of Climate, Soil Factors and Nitrogen Management Practices: A Paper Details
8Effects of nitrogen levels on growth of crops: A Paper Details
8Production of Organic Fertilizer from Solid Waste: A Paper Details
You can also click on Reports for more

For reference purposes the website carries here the following Newsclips:
8India and Russia need to diversify their economic relationship but structural constraints remain Details
8India's chemical industry expected to grow by 9 pct: Report Details
8This Russian company just got a $1 billion deal to supply potash to India during President Putin’s visit Details
8Turkmenistan to send fertilizer to India via Iran Details
You can also click on Newsclips for more  


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