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RDIF, PhosAgro and India's IPL Sign Cooperation Agreement in the Mineral Fertilizer Sector
Oct 10: PhosAgro, a Russian vertically integrated company and one of the world’s leading producers of phosphate-based fertilizers, announces the agreement has been signed with the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) and Indian Potash Limited (IPL), India’s largest importer of mineral fertilizers, that covers cooperation in the sphere of mineral fertilizers.
8The signed agreements were exchanged today in the presence of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
8As part of a framework for mutually beneficial cooperation, IPL intends to purchase for the Indian market up to 2 million tonnes of high-quality mineral fertilizers produced by PhosAgro DAP and NPK with various nutrient content in 2019-2021. The total value of deliveries is estimated at USD 1 billion.
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