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Download Reports, Tenders and Newsclips
Nov 02: For reference purposes the website carries here the following tenders:
Arresting oil leakages in transformer of NAG Plant Details
8Defacing/ erasing of old MRP and reprinting of new MRP on empty HDPE bags Details
8Procurement of Nitric Acid Details
8Mechanization of Fertilizer Handling Facilities Details
8Replacement Jobs of Glass Heat Exchanger in CNA Plant Details
8Supply of Organic Fertiliser Details
8Contract for carrying out Risk Based Inspection of Ammonia Storage Tanks in Ammonia Plant Details
8Lining Up of Contract for replacement of Strainer Buttons Details
8Lining Up Contract for Cable Tray removal in PHP Plant Details
8Repairing works inside Cooling Tower of Ammonia Plant Details
8Corrigendum: Biennial rate contract for servicing of plug valves in Urea plant Details
You can also click on Tenders for more
For reference purposes the website carries here the following reports:
8Zuari Agro Chemicals Limited: An Analysis Details
8Fertilizer rally shows signs of cracks [American Fertilizer Weekly] Details
8Potential for producing Biogas from Agricultural Waste: A Paper Details
8Model agreement for responsible contract farming: A Paper Details
8Annual Report of Vedanta Resources Plc [2018] Details
8World Bank Commodity Review: A Report Details
8Upgrading and recovery of fertilizer value of ash from Pyroneer gasification: A Paper Details
You can also click on Reports for more

For reference purposes the website carries here the following Newsclips:
8Sikkim honored as the ‘world’s first organic state’ Details
8A 5G Tech for Smart Agriculture in India from Samsung Details
8Air pollution: Reactive, band-aid solutions will not solve the problem Details
8How to break down barriers for women in agriculture Details
8Doubling farmers’ income: It’s possible! How much-needed policy can work; all you need to know in 5 points Details
8Zuari Agro Chemicals Limited Announces Q2 & Half Yearly Results of FY18-19 Details
You can also click on Newsclips for more  


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