Uttar Pradesh: Urea rate revision has not taken place yet
Nov 13: 8Retailers from districts like Farrukhabad, Allahabad, Kanpur, and Firozabad of Uttar Pradesh told our website that right now there is a demand for fertilizers such as DAP, MOP, Urea etc for the farming of Potatoes. 8Also, at the end of October it was announced that the urea price in Uttar Pradesh, which was a little higher than the other states of India due to a higher tax element, will be reduced but the price has not been revised and the retailers are still selling at the old MRP which Rs299/45kg bag. 8It is learned that in some of the district, supply of urea has been nil for the almost one month but due to slow demand, there is no shortage of urea in the state. Click on Details to know about the retail trade margins in different districts of the state for various fertilizer products